Name, Age and Job Role
Paige Birtwistle, ASK Project Co-ordinator
Which type of Apprenticeship are you doing or have you completed? Please include if it is intermediate, advanced or higher.
I have completed my Business Administration Level 2 Apprenticeship and Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship.
Who do you work for and what do they do?
I work for the Lancashire Work Based Learning Executive Forum (LWBLEF). LWBLEF is committed to supporting its members to provide the highest quality of Work-Based learning opportunities to young people and adults within the workforce to the benefit of employers and the wider society in Lancashire. Our intention is to establish Work Based Learning as a valid and recognised route of choice into Higher Education or career progression.
Why did you choose to become an apprentice?
I chose to become an apprentice because I saw a career where I could learn at the same time as earning a wage. I feel like completing an apprenticeship has enabled me to have a greater career.
What does your day in your work life involve?
I deliver assemblies and workshops across all schools in Lancashire on behalf of the ASK Project. Helping pupils to understand apprenticeships and what there are able to achieve through an apprenticeship.
What do you enjoy and what is the best thing about being an apprentice?
I enjoyed earning a wage and being independent. I also enjoy being part of a team and being able to make a difference to the work in the apprenticeships team and the college as a whole.
What are your career plans and what would you like to be doing in 5 years’ time?
In five years’ time I hope to have my Level 5 Management Degree Apprenticeship and become a manager.
What is your greatest achievement
My greatest achievement would have to being who I am today. Earning a brilliant salary, owning my own new car, having a house and horse. Being able to do the job that I love.
Give us one fun fact about yourself!
I spent one summer in Italy Cliff diving.
What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about becoming an apprentice?
The best piece of advice I would give to someone who is thinking of becoming an apprentice would be to choose your organisation wisely to see what career progression there is available. I would also recommend taking as many training opportunities as possible.